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My Hero......Mahatma Gandhi

The sound of your name ignites fire in my bones
How can a mere man like me live with such high standards?
In my years on this planet (apart from my Lord Jesus), I have not met any man so great.
The anthology of your writings changed my life forever.

You placed demands on your life that I haven’t heard of in my existence.
Your theme of truth and non-violence, of love and self sacrifice, of common good........
You walked your talk 100%, Oh what height of Integrity!
In your imperfections you still tried to remain true to yourself & your God
Your focus was on things that mattered on this side of the planet…the essentials…sound principles!

I have never wished I met any ‘hero’ like I wish I met you
You are truly my Hero!
Heard of great men but none like you
Oh the power of the inner voice and self sacrifice….

I surely cannot put it better than Dr Martin Luther King Jnr
“Gandhi was inevitable. If humanity is to progress, Gandhi is inescapable……We may ignore him at our own risk”
and Albert Einstein
“Generations to come, it may be, will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth”

May we all truly live our lives knowing we did all we could to add utmost value to our world
One man, Gandhi…….One man, Funmi
I don’t believe in praying for the dead but I cannot but say even though they are mere words;

“ God Bless Mahatma Gandhi”

……………humility at its peak, simplicity at its best!


casa da poesia said…

"Negema wangu binti"

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