I went
to church from childhood but was not very active. In my teenage years, I became
more active and participated in all the prescribed classes - discipleship,
baptismal class, choir etc. At some point in secondary school, I believed that
it wasn't cool to be a Christian, so I was just nominal and admired those who I
thought lived the ‘fun and cool’ life.
Somehow, because I was small in size and younger than my classmates, I was usually considered a baby and not old enough to participate in the 'cool’ stuff!
I remember that all I was looking forward to post-secondary school, was to get admitted into the University of Lagos, with the hope that I will be able to do all the ‘cool’ things! Then JAMB and my dad insisted that I attend a private Adventist University, Babcock University! I cried blood - " You guys don't love me!". How will I get to do all the adventurous and cool things in a university that doesn't allow jewellery or give you freedom to go in and out, when you like?
Anyways, during the wait period before resumption, Bimbo invited me to a fellowship, Young Disciples International (YDI). YDI was the place where I first became conscious of my faith and its realities. I met 'correct' blokes and chics who were cool but also passionate and burning for Jesus! It changed my life forever and I made it my 2nd home - I walked for close to an hour to get to the YDI hub. Nothing could stop me, not even my domestic obligations. I will wake up in the middle of the night to cook for the family and wash my clothes so I would have the day free for YDI.
At YDI tremendous things happened to me, especially regarding my relationship with Jesus - I remember Michael saying "the walk is not easy" but His grace is sufficient. YDI also ignited the desire to walk in purpose - giving my whole life to God and expressing my full giftedness.
I walked with YDI whilst on holidays, all through my University. In University, I had a bad church experience but my solid foundation in Christ kept me on a steady path towards a one-on-one relationship with Him.
Somehow, because I was small in size and younger than my classmates, I was usually considered a baby and not old enough to participate in the 'cool’ stuff!
I remember that all I was looking forward to post-secondary school, was to get admitted into the University of Lagos, with the hope that I will be able to do all the ‘cool’ things! Then JAMB and my dad insisted that I attend a private Adventist University, Babcock University! I cried blood - " You guys don't love me!". How will I get to do all the adventurous and cool things in a university that doesn't allow jewellery or give you freedom to go in and out, when you like?
Anyways, during the wait period before resumption, Bimbo invited me to a fellowship, Young Disciples International (YDI). YDI was the place where I first became conscious of my faith and its realities. I met 'correct' blokes and chics who were cool but also passionate and burning for Jesus! It changed my life forever and I made it my 2nd home - I walked for close to an hour to get to the YDI hub. Nothing could stop me, not even my domestic obligations. I will wake up in the middle of the night to cook for the family and wash my clothes so I would have the day free for YDI.
At YDI tremendous things happened to me, especially regarding my relationship with Jesus - I remember Michael saying "the walk is not easy" but His grace is sufficient. YDI also ignited the desire to walk in purpose - giving my whole life to God and expressing my full giftedness.
I walked with YDI whilst on holidays, all through my University. In University, I had a bad church experience but my solid foundation in Christ kept me on a steady path towards a one-on-one relationship with Him.
changed my life! He transformed and still transforms my character, daily. He aligned
and is still re-aligning my priorities in order to ensure that I keep Him at
the centre of my life! He is consistently and faithfully doing His inner work
in me. I am growing daily to think less about myself and understand that the
essence of my Life is to fear/revere God and keep His commandments. To love Him
with all of me and to love my neighbours as myself.
myself, I don’t know how to love Him, but through His Spirit, He teaches me
daily. He is always there for me, my faithful father and ever consistent
friend. The light burden He has given me
is to read His word (my bible) and communicate with Him without ceasing. My
duty is to deliberately create the time for Him, whilst also being conscious of
His presence in me all through my day. He is the only being on my life’s
journey that can never fail!
It took
me pretty long to understand why a loving God will withhold juice from His
children. I wanted Him to not only answer my prayers but to answer them
speedily. At the earlier stages, it seemed like I got all my major prayers
answered. I wasn’t as lucky, as time went on. I now understand that salvation
is not about me but about Him; about His love. God wants me to look more to
Him, to His face and not just His hand.
He still
answers me, but certainly not the way my flesh wants it, all the time.
Sometimes, instead of giving me what I want, He gives me something else or
takes His time or just hugs me instead.
It is a
peaceful and joyful journey but not a tearless one. Sometimes I cry and cry because
of pain that strikes on this side of eternity, but what joy to know that the
creator of this massive world is with me, through all seasons.
I now
realise that He is most concerned about my one-on-one relationship with Him and
the fullness of Christ being formed in me. He is interested in building my character,
in enabling me to bear His fruit. He will certainly give me goodies as I move
along, but that is far from the focus.
I have
done badly with organised ‘religion’ - organised church. I am distracted by too
much man reflected in our processes. My understanding is that when we
fellowship as believers, the only being to be magnified directly or indirectly is God…Jesus
lifted high and His gospel preached!
In my
current phase, I am truly praying for a less formal and simple model where
believers can fellowship with less distractions, less of self and all the focus
on Jesus…so help me God.