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Corrupt Politicians!

Peoples’ fathers selling their souls for Naira.
Naira! The only value they have, the only thing they respect, the only god they fear!
Wicked men! Their god is their belly!
Greedy men!

It’s ok for their children to disown them
Because they will bring curses and ruin to their children and children’s children
With no plan for the people,
Yet scrambling to get there at whatever means possible.
There is no cost too huge

With zero fear of God and conscience sold for gold,
their only ambition is to amass wealth for their 10th generation.
They oppress the poor and ravage the crumbs of the masses.
Pollute all our Systems they must.
All across the Executive, Judiciary, Legislature, Ministries and Federal parastatals, they forbid integrity and order.

Worst still, in order to woo undiscerning ‘religious’ Nigerians, they lie under God’s name!
Repent ye Nigerian politician!
If not, you will know no rest, sorrow and sad news will flood you like a river!!
Sicknesses unknown to mankind will be your best friends.

But inspite of you, Nigeria will flourish again!


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