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Innocent Hugs

Everything flashes back like yesterday
Met u at my friend’s church
U distributed your fatherly hugs around

U had to move in because of the repairs on 3rd mainland
Oh, the multiplier effect of poor infrastructure
U wanted family evenings together –TV, eating, gist et al
But luckily our work wouldn’t let us
U shared the hugs evenly – mine & hers

Saw the way u looked at her
But haba! how can I suspect Mr Deacon
Closer to 50 than 45
‘It can’t be what I’m thinking’
Then she had to travel
Leaving the 2 of us alone

My only worry was your addiction to gist
then .......the reality of the hugs
Couldn’t compare with hers anymore
Is it the Babcock in me that is so uncomfortable?

Then I avoided you and the hugs......
U came & hugged unexpectedly
Then started adding interesting pecks
Confusion bami immediately

Is this still brotherly love?
U are her uncle’s close friend
R u thinking at all????
Or nah my imagination.

I avoided seeing u in d morning or when I got back from work
‘Cos u smartly used morning & night greetings as a platform
Ah ah egbon pastor!
When hug start to last for more than 15 secs
&your hands start to move…….

Ehmm ……I dey squat for someone’s house
I go com tell am say him close friend nah ……………
No be me ooo
Nah pack I dey pack soo
But b4 then, swallow dis sms jo…
Innocently written

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